[NoLang][NRP] Robust Pong (Avali) Wait how long can a hostname be? Is there a limit? So i just tested there is no limit so im gonna keep writing random stuff just cause I feel a little silly today. Xenia is a really cool fox IMO [The Moon] Oh hey you got to see this part of the name you probably have an over 1080p monitor. You are quite rich... or you just /status my address which is cool as well. Did you know i have two main sonas right now? One being a pikachu and the other an avali? I have started using my avali a bit more as of recently but my pikachu is still pretty cute. Also originally i was gonna name this Wizard's Den Skug for the meme since pjb told me that it wont happen but when i found out theres no limit to the hostname i just had to do this. You got quite the long monitor godamn... no at this point you definetly used the /status http api on the server. Ok update the limit is 1024 ha.... Follow me on mastadon tech.lgbt/@VasilisTheChu and maybe shoot me a dm that you found it from here.

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